Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pink pom-poms...

I just felt like pink pom-poms
were in order for today.
No real reason, just a pink pom-pom
kinda day.
 so here is the to do list for the day:
  • wrap a birthday present
  • go to a 3 hour birthday party that I will try to be an hour late for
(I believe that birthday parties should only last two hours tops~
unless they are the drop off kind, and then they can last as long as possible)
  • do the laundry and put it away
  • stain and distress the grandfather clock that I painted and showed you in a previous post
  • paint our bar stools (remember to take the before pictures)
  • cut an extra large artist's pallet out of foam board for my girlie's upcoming arty themed birthday party
  • write an article for our Regional Parent magazine on organization (that is due tomorrow)
  • clean out my purse
  • pay bills
  • help girls finish their valentines (they could not be any sweeter)
  • straighten the house
  • get caught up on my recorded reality TV shows
 So, I guess I just needed some fluff
before I tackled my to do list!
Pink pom-pom balls do the trick!
 Here to getting it all done!....