Memorial Day...
Across the US people celebrate it differently,
think of it differently,
and remember who it honors in different ways.
(He is the one on the left)
He is currently serving in Afghanistan.
As badly as we miss him & wish we could will him home,
we know that without men like him who have a heart of a warrior
and brave beyond measure
there would be no back yard bar-b-ques today,
no front porch sitting,
& no flags flying proudly as we celebrate this day
that honors the memory of those gone before him.
Watching their children grow for a year only through pictures,
Pillow talk with the wifey only through letters and staticy phone calls,
Safe, warm dry beds and clothes.
The list is endless....
Thank a soldier's spouse ....
who stands by her man...alone.
A woman who has to become a finance officer,
taxi driver, gardener, disciplinarian,
Santa, tooth fairy, Easter bunny
and protection officer all at once,
and then has to graciously give all the jobs back when the time comes.
Thank a soldier's child ....
who gives up daddy's hugs and kisses and being tucked in at night,
the ritual of getting their little girl hair brushed by
daddy's big, tough hands every night after a shower,
rides on daddy's strong shoulders,
and getting to hear their daddy tell them how pretty they look every morning.
our own defender,
our own hubby and daddy
who will be home to celebrate this day with us next year;
and believe me when I say, he will be thanked.
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