Friday, January 13, 2012

pinterest interest.....

I am sure most of you have already discovered pinterest,
but just in case, let me introduce you to my number one time warp...

You can easily spend hours on pinterest,
and have done nothing but look at pictures
and somehow walk away feeling way more productive
and creative than you were before you sat down.

There is something for every interest.
Such as the recipes. 
They are amazing.
Such as this one...

a strawberry champagne cocktail
{You thought I was going to post
a picture of food not a drink, didn't you!}
{{ there are food recepies too!}}

And inspiration that fills your heart,
and keeps your glass half full....

You can learn all kinds of amazing tips and tricks
Such as this...

It is a tutorial on creating a template
for hanging curtain rods
 the same height/distance every time...
no more measuring and leveling over and over!

Home inspiration for days.
There is not one style you can search for
on this site and it not cause you to re-do the whole room.

The list just goes on and on and on
of what you can glean from this site.

Fashion, health, kiddo's games, exercise, gifts, etc...

I am telling you,
it is inspiration for every aspect of your life.

So, if you have not already stumbled on it,
go check it out.

You will thank me hate me for it later.