My Mother's Day
started off with the two greatest kiddos in the world
bringing me breakfast in bed...
which consisted of a granola bar
and drinkable yogurt
{that we got from the farmer's market the day before}
and my precious home made cards.
{made that morning as I pretended to still be asleep while they scurried about to get them done}
Mogie kept saying
"Happy Valentines mom!"
as we got up
and got ready to go to the Zoo,
hubby surprised me by running out and getting me
my favorite drink:
Venti, Skinny, Chi Tea Latte
from Starbucks.
He loves hates ordering that.
His order is:
black coffee...
They honestly have an easier time with mine than they do with his!
Next, the girls and hubby planted the flowers
that we had bought the day before at the farmer's market
{for what I thought would be my sensible and only Mother's Day gift}
I leisurely got ready and sipped my Chi...
Eventually, we got in the car
and headed for the Zoo in Nashville, TN
We had so much fun checking out the animals.
The girls even got a little procreation lesson
thanks to the Meerkat exhibitions exhibit.
After we had zooed it up,
We made a little trip to
Trader Joe's for all the necessities...
followed up by a trip to Anthropologie,
where I got the cutest little skirt ever
and a candle...
{total necessities}
We ended our day in Nashville
with dinner at California Kitchen,
uuummm, uuummm!
We even got dessert!
{another necessity!}
Made the trek home,
put girls in the shower then to bed.
Then hubby and I snuck went out side to have
and talked about the day.
This was
one heck of a Mother's Day for me.
I really don't think I could have made it any better!
{other than realizing that my 4yr old girlie still needs a stroller!}
Thanks to my beautiful
{inside and out}
girlies and hubby
for making me the perfect Mother's Day!
Hope you all had your own version of a perfect day!

What a beautiful mother's day you had! Your girls are very cute!
Have a lovely day!
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